Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Persuasive Ad Copy Writing that Works

Writing persuasive ad copy is more about injecting clarity and action oriented text into your content and trying to persuade the reader to buy your product, hire you or take the action you want them to take and not just putting a few random paragraphs together. It's important to work on the total structure of your ad copy to make sure that every single piece of it falls seamlessly into place and will help you reach your goal of persuading your prospect to take the action you want him to take. Keep reading to learn some techniques that will help you infuse your ad copy with persuasion.

One effective way to make your copy more persuasive is to publish the results of the tests that your product has passed in the ad copy. This is going to help you be a lot more convincing and persuasive because it proves how well your product holds up under harsh tests to the people reading your copy. This test might be about safety, durability, quality, etc. If you think that something will make your ad even more convincing, it should be included. Buyers love to see test results because they offer concrete proof as to why they should buy the product or service.

Be sure that the content of your advertising copy is basic because that is the only way that you will really be able to persuade your buyer and help him feel convinced about your offer. If you use a bunch of jargon that isn't strictly needed, it's going to work against you instead of working for you. Your ad copy needs to be as simple as you can make it; language that is too complicated is going to put your prospect off. Persuasion is all about getting the other person to accept and agree with your point of view which is only really possible when you get rid of all of the confusion.

Lastly, the way you organize your ad copy also plays a key role in its persuasion. You don't want your ad copy to scare your prospects as soon as they see it, you want them to feel comfortable and relaxed. They ought to be able to scan your copy quickly and still grasp your sales message, they shouldn't have to read through it all the way through. This can be achieved by writing the content in small blocks and using lots of bullet points. When you break out your content this way you'll have an easier time persuading your prospects because your content will be easy for them to read and that is your main goal.

When you are a copywriter there are lots of factors that you need to remember so that your end result is very focused and gives you exactly what you want. By adding the persuasion element to your copy, you'll be ahead of the crowd because not all ad copies work on this factor. You will get much further with your copy if you focus on persuading your prospects because what matters most is getting more sales and that is easier when you can convince your prospect that he is happy to purchase from you and not pushed to buy from you. You want your prospect to actually want your offer and not be resistant to it.

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