Friday, September 23, 2011

How To Extract The Greatest Value of Your Virtual Team

Scaling up an online business is a tried and true approach to success, and one vehicle to help you scale your business is the virtual team approach. Scaling up your business will have the greatest possibility for success through the skillful management of a virtual team. Don't fall in the trap of thinking you cannot gain from this merely because you have never done it, or your revenues do not warrant doing it.

Even large corporations started using virtual teams many years after their businesses were global in size.

First of all, you should attempt to get everyone on your team to participate in conference calls. This will make it easier for your team members to focus on the work that needs to be done as well as to ensure that they are clear and up-to-date with everything that is going one. You don't have to make these conference calls too frequently; having them once a day or once a week is perfectly fine. However, don't forget about them and ignore them completely because asking for your team's opinions and keeping them in the loop is really important. When you arrange meetings you need to take into consideration the time zones of everyone on the team so it can be set at a time when everyone can make it. Remember that not everybody will be in the same time zone when you're having a virtual team; some of them will in East Coast, some in the West Coast and maybe some in Asia. Thus, if you want people to be able to attend the meeting, you need to establish it at a time that is appropriate for everyone, which involves you knowing where everyone is from. When you start your own virtual team, you should realize that the people in your team will probably come from the different parts of the globe, and you should respect that.

Even though you may be the best expert that your team can turn to and even when you're managing your team effectively, you should trust your members' expertise too. Consider allowing people to do more than they have been, and that will free up your time plus foster some good will. Not only will this provide some relief on your end, but your team will understand that trust and can rely on them. Your team will feel empowered by your demonstration of trust in them. Everybody is looking for growth, so show your team that there is growth when working for your company. Hopefully you see how you can expand your business with a solid virtual team in place. There are a number of areas that you will have to focus on when you're managing your virtual team, but one thing that you need to keep improving on is the communication that you share with it. When you think about it, you have to communicate in order for everything to get done.

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