Thursday, August 11, 2011

Don't Forget To Start!

Starting Up a Project is the first PRINCE2 process. This document explores how we get to Starting Up a Project, what is done in the process and where we go next once the process is complete.

Prior To Starting Up A Project

The Starting Up a Project process in PRINCE2 is where the Project Manager and Project Executive document that this project is a viable and worthwhile endeavour. Of course, there is a trigger for this work and in PRINCE2 this is known as the Project Mandate. Mandate means "authority" and here it refers to Corporate or Programme Management giving the project management team authority to start to spend money on deciding whether an idea is likely to result in business benefit being gained in the beneficial use of the project product.

The Project Mandate can take many forms, from a post-it note stuck to the Project Manager's monitor to the documented result of a feasibility study (which itself could be a separate PRINCE2 project), but it must carry the authority of corporate or programme management.

It is important to note that Starting Up a Project is the first process of the PRINCE2 process model, however it is important to note that the project does not start until the Project Board has approved the output of this process. This means that the project does not begin until after Starting Up a Project is complete. Starting Up a Project is where pre-project preparation occurs.

First Things First

The first activity of Starting Up a Project is to appoint the Project Executive and the Project Manager. The Project Executive is the decision maker on the project, and will be a senior manager within the corporate organisation. The Project Manager performs the work during the early parts of the project and reports to the Project Executive for the life of the project. These appointments are made by corporate or programme management, but the Project Executive is likely to make the final decision on who will be the Project Manager.

PRINCE2 describes project management team roles, not jobs, so the responsibilities of the team members including the Project Manager and Project Executive will be in addition to and may be different from their regular business as usual jobs. It is vital to agree and document the responsibilities of the Project Manager and the Project Executive at this time.

The Project Manager should also create their Daily Log, usually a paper-based "catch-all" notebook that will be used to record information on an ad-hoc basis. This Daily Log information may then be added to formal documents at a later more convenient time.

Lesson Learned

Lessons learned are important to all projects - give them your full attention! Projects can gain by learning from previous work performed either on this project or on other projects or programmes. Lessons can be learned from projects and programmes with the organisation or outside it. Trade magazines and white papers are full of lessons learned. Lessons that are directly relevant to this project and its environment must be recorded and used to increase the performance of this project and its products.

The Project Manager should create the Lessons Log to ensure that all lessons are captured and that identified lessons are acted upon during the whole project from the earliest possible time.


This is the most important question on any project. The Business Case documents the reasons why the project is needed and the benefits expected from the product in beneficial use. The Business Case can be a complex and therefore expensive document, but at this early time we don't want to spend too much money on documentation, so an Outline Business Case should be created. This is likely to look much like the full Business Case, but it will not contain a full investment appraisal - this will be done in the Initiating a Project process later on.

The Project Management Team

As understanding of the Project is developed, the Project Manager and Project Executive should work together to design and appoint the Project Management Team. This activity comprises designing the team structure and reporting channels, and agreeing and documenting role descriptions. The result should be project management team that is ready to begin work on the project if it is authorised.

Approach and Brief

The Project Approach describes how this Project will create and deliver products that are fit for purpose. The decision to be made at this stage is the "make or buy" decision. In other words, is it more cost effective to create the products with an in-house team, or to sub-contract the delivery to a third party. This decision is pivotal to the structure and expectations of the Project, and so it should be taken very seriously - it has major implications for the outcomes and success of the Project. The Approach selected should be documented and agreed by the Project Manager and the Project Executive. Other Project Management team members may also have some input to this decision. The selection of an Approach will affect the Project Management team member structure, and this should therefore be adjusted if required.

The Project Brief should contain just enough information for the Project Board to understand the nature of the Project and to take a decision on progress at the end of Starting Up a Project. The name of this document guides the author - it should be brief!

At this time the Project Manager should create the Project Product Description, the description of the final customer deliverable(s) of the Project. This will be as detailed as possible from the start, and contains information relating to the Customer's Quality Expectations and Acceptance Criteria for the final deliverable of the project.

Planning The Next Steps

The Project Manager now looks ahead to the next part of the Project. If the output of Starting Up a Project is approved, the first stage of the Project will commence. In order to gain the necessary approvals, the Project Manager should work with the project management team to create the Stage Plan for the Initiation Stage. This first Stage Plan will describe the activities and deliverables associated with the Initiation Stage and will be a key part of the documentation assessed by the Project Board.

Go / No Go

The information assembled by the Project Manager and Project Executive in the Starting Up a Project process will be presented to the Project Board and the Project Manager will submit a request to proceed to the Initiation Stage. The Project Board will decide whether they feel that the information presented represents a worthwhile endeavour for the organisation and will either permit progress or bring the work to a close. If they approve progress, the project will officially begin.

To Find Out More

PRINCE2 Leedsprovides further details of the Starting Up a Project process and the work involved. PRINCE2 training courses can also provide access to the PRINCE2 exams which provide credible evidence of an individual's knowledge of PRINCE2. Programme Management training, for exampleManaging Successful Programmes training courses, can offer senior managers an excellent interface to the PRINCE2 Project Management methodology. Many organisations usePRINCE2 consultancyto assist with the process of embedding PRINCE2 into the organisation.

PRINCE2 is a Registered Trademark of the Office of Government Commerce in the United Kingdom and other countries.

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