Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What Is The Difference Between Leadership And Management?

Management and leadership are actually the same role and this would be considered as common belief. While it is common that a manager also plays the part of the leader, these two roles are truly separate in function and in the way they add to the success of an organization. As long as you understand the difference between management and leadership, then you will become more effective in helping others see the road ahead.

In order to understand the difference between management and leadership, the construction of a new road should be considered. To build that road there are workers, machinery and tools which are all vital in the road's construction. Managers help ensure those workers, machinery and tools work together in the most efficient way possible. Making sure that those workers are well-trained, motivated, rested and that they know what they're supposed to do next is what a manager does. In order to make sure that the tools and the machinery are working correctly and that the workers are able to use them efficiently and safely, the manager will do the same thing with these tools and machinery. This would be the role of the management. On the other hand, what a leader does is make sure that the road is going in the right direction before the construction begins. Also, that leader will monitor conditions in new situations to ensure that the road under construction is still the correct one and is still going in the right direction.

Do you know how this will affect you as a leader? Do you think you are spending your time managing people when you should be making sure that the road ahead is the one that you want to be on? If you want to be an effective leader then you must present a clear vision and a trail you are willing to walk on first. Understanding the difference between leadership and management is very important so that you can be effective no matter which role you happen to be filling at a given time while there are times when it is appropriate for a leader to fill a management role. If you are a leader overseeing managers, it is important that you provide them with the correct perspective so they may be effective in their management role. Don't manage the managers. You are there to lead them.

If you are not in a formal leadership role, it is also important that you understand that when a leadership opportunity arises there is a difference between being a leader and managing the effort. You may end up filling both sets of shoes but still, it's essential to understand the difference in roles in order to fill them effectively. If, on the other hand, you learn how to lead by showing people that you are walking down the right road, you will become a natural leader and will be able to help many others find success as your achieve your own.

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